Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Evolve Project Finance.

Want to implement Evolve WEB ERP but financing is an issue NOT to worry any more...!!!

You can put a mail on systech9@gmail.com
Call us up on 919322907681

Evolve ERP introduces one of kind project finance for companies who wish to go in for ERP but have budgetary constraints and would like to implement the systems. This is a very positive move from the company who is confident of creating a win win situation for all.

The company understands ERP implementations involves substantial amount of money and efforts which are expensive affair in this tight financial situation. There are following costs involved in ERP implementation.

1. License costs
2. Hardware costs
3. Implementation costs

All these are costs which a company incurs which may not factored or discussed onset, as it would inflate the project costs. Most of Vendors may be just interested in selling licenses and making a quick buck as incentives. Buyers end up abandoning ERP as they are not mentally and financially prepared for all the costs. You would be amazed to find that the cost of license is almost equal to most of other costs associated. If you buy a license at x amount then the project implementation cost is 2.5 x where .5x is cost of hardware and another x is cost of implementation.

Keeping in mind these constraints, Evolve now gives you a complete project finance to implement an ERP solution. It will finance for all, with payment options over a period of 5-10 years.

Why do we do so ?

Normally companies don't get loans on software as it is an intangible asset. When an SME gets a loan on a project the loans have tangible collaterals. At the same time software expenses goes expense gets benefits on income tax. So Evolve creates a win win situation where in you get systems and implementation, while you pay on staggered basis on nominal rates of interest which banks offers on finance and we undertake the complete setup. Evolve on the other hand gets full hands free to implement the systems and does that on a rapid scale, with assured earning visibility. The risk is also limited of both the parties.

Return on Investment.

A successful ERP implementation reduces operation manpower by as high as 60% as it reduces duplication of work and saves on huge costs. The costs saved on manpower alone makes ERP free over a period of 2 years. Other financial advantages like reduction in inventory, faster reporting systems, lower working capital requirements are added advantages.

If you are interested to know more and get advantage on this kindly get back to us.

You can put a mail on systech9@gmail.com
Call us up on 919322907681

Rajesh Patel.